I haven't completed the book yet but I'm making steady progress. Unfortunately, my main thought as I read each chapter is who in the world has time to cook all of these recipes from scratch?! I was so stressed about having to cook something for the meeting that I had no room left in my brain for deep and meaningful book conversation. Which is OK, I guess, since we're still at the remedial level.
Seriously, though. The tart takes 5 hours, not including prep and cooking time. 3 hours to chill the dough. 2 hours to cool. That's like the whole frickin' day! Lemon Souffle: I'm certain to contaminate the egg white and yolk. Plus I don't know if I can get a bowl that clean. Coconut bread: do they even sell actual coconuts in the grocery store? Cutting it up sounds stressful. I might hurt myself.
I've decided I'm going to bring a tart from Fresh Market. Unfortunately, so few people have indicated that they can make it that I'll probably eat too much of it. Oh well. The sacrifices you have to make for book club.
My deep and meaningful thought as I read the book is how amazing it is that so many authors had at least one crazy parent. Or they're crazy. Or the novels are about someone with a mental illness. Do you think that there are that many people with mental illnesses but no one talks about it? Or do you think only crazy people have interesting things to write about? I know I never have anything to say in my journal when things are going well.
I have been reading a lot of books on writers, the best one being Bird by Bird, by Anne Lamont, and she said that most of the authors that she knew were depressed, alcoholic, and suicidal. So maybe there is something to the idea that writers have to be crazy.
My other deep and meaningful thought is about how American food really is kind of crappy. We are known for fast food, which isn't that great. American cheese is not even real cheese. Everything has to be fast and ready-made, like my tart that I'm going to buy (although at least it will be from Fresh Market). And when Americans are trying to eat healthy, they buy all this gluten-free, high fiber, vegan crap that can't possibly taste good. No offense to any vegans out there.
I want to start eating like the French, where everything is really rich. Not sure how they stay thin, though. I think they walk a lot. And they smoke, which I'm not going to do. They drink a lot, so I can cut some calories there since I don't drink. And I think they have a small breakfast and dinner but a big lunch. Unfortunately, my job doesn't allow for that. And I don't want to cook. So maybe that won't work after all.
Hope other people share their thoughts on the book!
- Christy
P.S. I think I can make the deviled eggs!
P.P.S. Do you think her parents read the book? If so, do you think they were upset?